LED Floodlight Landing Page

Sportplatz am Abend
For the specialized floodlight solutions of Schmidt-Strahl GmbH there is now an own landing page!


The portfolio of lighting solutions from Schmidt-Strahl is very extensive: from industry to cities and municipalities to Deutsche Bahn, a wide variety of industries rely on Schmidt-Strahl’s know-how and lighting manufactured in Germany. Applications range from area and street lighting to railroad and industrial lighting to crane and emergency lighting.

In order to be able to specifically address cities, municipalities and sports clubs for the LED floodlights from Schmidt-Strahl, we have realized our own landing page on the subject of floodlights.

Direct and bold.

In the realization of this landing page, we pursued two objectives:

Inform targeted and comprehensive

At led-flutlichtleuchten.de we can provide comprehensive and very specific information on all relevant points for sports facility operators: from product features and the advantages of LED technology to all information relating to federal and state subsidy programs.

Communicate in a striking and sporty way

On its own site, we can add more emotion to the very technical topic and provide eye-catching information. Not only because it corresponds to the sporting topic, but also because a lot of Schmidt-Strahl's heart and soul is involved here: one of the first clubs whose sports field they equipped with floodlights was VfR Wippenfürth in 1958, at that time with the coach Udo Lattek.

The led-flutlichleuchten.de will be in the future the destination address for all who want to see their sports field in new and modern LED floodlight!


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